It was only a week ago that I discovered Guillaume Bresson's work for the first time at "Slick 07" and I was so impressed and seduced by his mature approach to modern painting that I decided to present his latest exhibition at Gallerie Lacen despite the fact that it is nearly finished. The mix between classical composition of urban landscapes and the "clair-obscur" impeccable technique combined to the darkness and the violence of the situation it represents is just stunning.
Like Le Caravage with mythical heroes in his own times, Bresson seems to be the voice of a forgotten surburban youth, fighting to create their own heroes in parking lots and empty halls. In a two tone and over-contrasted environment, Bresson re-invent the "Historical" painting style where gladiators are fighting choregraphic battles in black & white. Fight club energy and adrenalin are pumping through his work.
Well, I guess you got my point, I love is work and I'm looking forward discovering his new work which seems to be more colourful.
Until November 4th, 2007
Galerie LACEN
57 rue de bretagne
75003 Paris
Tél +33 1 76 56 34 39
Fax +33 1 42 77 34 39
Tuesday-Saturday 11am to 07pm
Thursday, 1 November 2007
at the Galerie LACEN until November 4th, 2007
Published by
Eric Clermontet
Keywords: 2 tone, black and white, exhibition, fight club, Guillaume Bresson, Lacen, last days, paris, urban fights
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