Under the centenary of the death of Alfred Jarry will be presented the book "King Ubu" illustrated by Ricardo Mosner at Éditions Gallimard
In 1985, Ricardo Mosner participate in the "Bye Bye Mix" exhibition at Gallery Lara Vincy. In 1987 he shows there his sculptures and "staged" in his one-man show "Il creche." 20 years later, in the very same place, and after "1001è" (1989), "Les Pitres du Socle" (1990) and "Cabaret Mosner" (1993), Ricardo Mosner exposes its objects, his bags and in the back room, his new theater of operations under the name "Ubuesque Mosnerian"? he did not find any other title available ("title in progress" was already being used by the artist in 1990 and "Ubu Roi Ahora Mismo" was his first theatrical experience in 1968).
Vous verrez donc sur les étagères : des plâtres fildeferrés, des pièces inanimées en conversation télépathique, des controverses boisées, las maquinas inutiles et d’autres saloperies célestes. You will therefore see on the shelves: the wireded plasters, inanimate pieces in telepathic conversation, controversy wooded, the unnecessary maquinas and other celestial filths. Drafts, cuts, the completed and the unfinished, as well as some rebel dolls will share the floor, perhaps. The thing-book, handuspainted manuscripts, logomaniac inventories and other foggy souvenirs will be knee to knee, shoulder to shoulder in displays. The year 2007 is the centenary of the death of Alfred Jarry. On this occasion, Ricardo Mosner illustrates Ubu Roi at Éditions Gallimard. The book as well as a few originals will be presented at the gallery.
And merdre etc.…
Quelques repères biographiques :
Ricardo Mosner est né à Buenos Aires. Dès la fin des années 60 il expose et organise des performances et happenings. Entre 1970 et 1980, il crée et joue une vingtaine de spectacles picturaux avec sa troupe Le Théâtre en Poudre. Peintre, sculpteur et graveur il a participé à de nombreuses expositions collectives dont : la Biennale de Paris, la Triennale des Amériques, la Biennale de Sculpture aux Pays-Bas, les Ateliers de l’ARC au Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, l’Amérique Latine au Grand-Palais, les Murs Peints au Centre Georges Pompidou…
Some biographical milestones:
Ricardo Mosner was born in Buenos Aires. By the late 60's he exhibited and organizes performances and happenings. Between 1970 and 1980, he created and played about twenty shows pictorial with his troupe "Theater in Powder". A painter, sculptor and engraver, it has participated in numerous group exhibitions including: the Biennale de Paris, the Triennial of the Americas, the Sculpture Biennial in the Netherlands, the ARC workshops at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Latin America Grand, Painted Walls at the Georges Pompidou Center…
Ricardo MOSNER / "Ubuesque Mosnerian"
Until 08/12/2007
Galerie Lara Vincy
47 rue de Seine
75006 Paris
Friday, 16 November 2007
Ricardo MOSNER "Ubuesque Mosnerian"
Until 09 December 2007 at the Galerie Lara Vincy
Published by
Eric Clermontet
Keywords: Alfred Jarry, december 2007, exhibition, Galerie Lara Vincy, mises en scène, novembre 2007, paris, parisian, Ricardo Mosner, sculptures, Ubu roi
Georg Baselitz "REMIX"
Until January 26th, 2008 at the Gallerie Catherine Putman
The gallery Catherine Putnam, Baselitz french editor since 1997, shows the latest prints of the artist as well as some recent gouaches and ink in the series of "Remix". Since 2005, Baselitz Actually resumes, in his painting and in his printmaking, compositions from the 60's and 70's. He redraws them, sometimes even questionning the inversion of figures (started in 1969), illustrating a genuine dialogue with his early work.
He strikes at the copper plate, wood or linoleum (more appropriate surface for monumental prints) with as much violence and control as found in his painting and his sculpture. Indeed, the style of Georg Baselitz was confirmed over the years in finding an accuracy and a fantastic energy in its strokes. George Baselitz masters the colors he manipulates with lightness and harmony, all in a sense of freshness.
A major feature of this "engraver-painter" is to represent his subjects head upside down. Indeed, for him this technique gave him the freedom to confront pictorial problems.
Georg Baselitz "REMIX"
from November 17th to January 26th, 2008
Galerie Catherine Putman
Works on paper
40 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris,
1st floor, open from 02pm to 07pm
Tuesday to Saturday and upon appointement.
Phone: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
Email: contact@catherineputman.com
n.b. Publisher and distributor of prints and works on paper by contemporary artists.
Published by
Eric Clermontet
Keywords: Galerie Catherine Putman, Georg Baselitz, January 2008, November 2007, paris, parisian, real, REMIX
The doors of Monsieur Pierre
at the Serpentine gallerie until november 24th, 2007
Pierre Tabone, aka Monsieur Pierre is a Citroën 2CV lover and specialist. He gave to some contemporary artists coming from all horizon, doors of the legendary car. It's happening at the Serpentine Gallerie (the French one not the London museum) which is situated within a pedestrian walkway leading to a parking lot Rue de Rennes. Those art doors will be displayed and sold for the profit of the caritative association Action Against Hunger / Action contre la faim.
Unforgettable… the 2 CV as art piece…
over thirty doors transformed into art item, thanks to the sculptors, painters, graphists inspiration...
Everyone letted his imagination run wild and delivered an original art item, refecting each artist colourfull and personal world.
With Carol Bathellier, Cendrine Bosom, Siméon Colin, Xavier Dixsaut, Jean Faucheur, Abdollah Kiaie, Cécile et Lucie Le Trung, Marianne Peltzer, Laurent Serin, Vladimir Velickovic, Jan Voss…
An exhibition in a ready made environment...
Until november 24th, those art doors will be exhibited in a parisian walkway... The Serpentine Gallerie is a 600m² contemporary art space situated in the pedestrain zonze of a public parking in the Rue de Rennes since Ocotber 2005 !
Des œuvres originales et solidaires…
Following Monsieur Pierre wishes, All those doors will be sold for the benefits of the "Action contre la Faim" / "Action against Hunger" association. THe association concretly act on the spot to really help starving population all around the globe.
Offices are open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am to 07pm
Press Contact : Sylvie Hauser 06 73 14 69 75 - sylvhauser@yahoo.fr
ACF Press Contact : Mélanie Turcotte 01 43 35 82 21 – mturcotte@actioncontrelafaim.org
If you wish to receive further informatins about some items please contact the gallerie: 0875.70.45.52 or galerieserpentine@wanadoo.frMonsieur Pierre's 2CV doors
until november 24th, 2007
155 bis, rue de Rennes 75006 Paris
Serpentine is open to the public everyday from 6:30am to 1:30am and 24/7 for people woith a parking ticket.
Metro: Lines 4-6-12-13 Montparnasse-Bienvenue
Line 4 Saint Placide
Train: Gare Montparnasse
Bus: Lines 89-94-95-96 Rennes-Littré
Lines 52-82-91
Place du 18 juin 1940
Car: Parking is located at 155, rue de Rennes 75006 Paris
Published by
Eric Clermontet
Keywords: 2cv, Action against Hunger, Carol Bathellier, Cendrine Bosom, Citroën, contemporary art, Deuche, galerie Serpentine, Jean Faucheur, Pierre Tabone, Siméon Colin, Vladimir Velickovic, Xavier Dixsaut